Introductions are in order

The idea of having a blog is something that has always made me giggle. I am a proud member of Generation-Y, and for some reason a digital media major. My parents do not really understand what that means and quite honestly neither do I and I am a senior. Even the University of Idaho isn’t very clear on what that means. My guess, is that it entails a lot of production and social and digital media information.

Honestly, I have a predisposition about random blogs. Who honestly wants to hear about the life of a random stranger?? Usually myself, because there is nothing better to do when you have free wifi in a town of 20,000, where 95% of the population is in fact associated with the University to a certain degree. I moved to the beautiful rustic town of Moscow, Idaho a little over a year ago, in January of 2014. The transfer was not an easy one, as I was leaving my beautiful waterfront city of Seattle for the rolling hills of the Palouse. It was quite the transition. I am “technically” a senior at the the University. I use the term senior very loosely because I should in all fairness be graduating this May, where in fact I am not.

Fun Fact! Washington expects more, but Idaho expects something of a lesser value but also completely different.

Learned that the hard way. A.K.A. extra year at the University of Idaho.

It’s not all bad. It is more bad than good. Therefore I cannot wait to leave little old Moscow. And I of course cannot wait and entire year. So I am going to STUDY ABROAD fall semester!! Goodbye Idaho and Hello England!

Two more weeks until I find out for certain if I will be moving to Brighton, England. There are no words to describe how badly this is a necessity.

I am a transient without the ability to commit. Always onto the next great adventure.

Seattle –> Moscow –> Brighton –>Moscow –>Seattle

Three years, two countries, three cities.

“Just keep swimming”